What Is IgA Nephropathy (IGAN)?

IgA nephropathy is inflammation inside the kidneys that affect the tiny filtering units known as glomeruli. It is a form of glomerulonephritis, an autoimmune disorder in which inflammation damages these parts of the kidney. High levels of IgA, one type of immunoglobulin or antibody, can collect in the glomeruli, clogging them and blocking them from functioning properly. This disease can ultimately lead to kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

IgA nephropathy is also known as Berger’s disease or Synpharyngitic glomerulonephritis. It is most commonly seen in people aged 30 to 40 – but can happen at any age. It usually affects both kidneys and typically develops over a period of months or years after experiencing nasal or sinus infections associated with colds, strep throat, pneumonia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and other viral respiratory illnesses.

Common symptoms include swelling around the eyes and other areas such as the hands and feet; foamy urine; protein in your urine; high blood pressure; low red blood cell count (anemia); tiredness and fatigue; decreased appetite; rapid weight gain due to a buildup of fluid (edema); decreased urination; pain in your side near your lower ribs and back pain below your rib cage on either side of your spine (nephritic syndrome).

In some cases, IgA nephropathy may resolve on its own with supportive treatments such as medications for high blood pressure and diuretics to reduce swelling. However, if not treated properly it can lead to scarring of the kidney’s filtering units (glomeruli), leading to chronic kidney disease―in some cases resulting in ESRD. The goal of treatment for IgA nephropathy is to reduce symptoms by controlling inflammation and slowing down damage to the kidneys’ internal tissue infrastructure. This requires careful monitoring by a kidney specialist over time as it can take months or even years before enough damage has been done to cause ESRD.

Recent advances have allowed us to further diagnose this condition accurately without the need for dangerous sampling procedures through methods such as biopsy and the use of specialized imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging or CT scans that allow doctors to view detailed pictures of organs like the kidneys which helps with identifying and analyzing any potential areas affected by IgA nephropathy

Medications used for treatment generally fall into three categories: immunosuppressive drugs – these medications work by targeting certain antibodies or cells within chronic inflammatory processes like IgA nephropathy and suppressing their activity; diuretics – these are used to help reduce fluid buildup in parts such as your legs caused by edema; Vasodilators – these work by relaxing constricted muscles around small blood vessels improving their flow rate allowing more oxygenated blood flow helping provide relief from high blood pressures found in those with IgA nephropathy. Other newer treatments also exist such as Rituximab injections that target B-cells released from an infected person’s immune system which are believed may play a role in developing this condition additionally Plasmapheresis when performed removes large concentrations of Gammaglobulins present which have been detected during tests when treating this condition Allowing physicians to replace them with albumin found within donated plasma reducing inflammation within affected parts thus providing benefit.

Regarding new medications, there is much research being conducted into using new approaches like monoclonal antibodies, inhibitors targeting specific proteins involved within all stages that help progression, gene therapy, etc. Thus providing potential hope for those suffering especially regarding long-term recovery

Measuring effectiveness long term remains hard so far however there is much hope being developed currently examining studies involving multiple solutions theoretically providing improved medical outcomes and infusing life back into those affected.  As technology continues advancing so could potentially aid research by pointing out the correct course traditionally leading doctors forward helping those suffering improve chances against onset conditions possibly enabling one day cure for all in pushing boundaries faced when treating such diseases.